How do NFSHS cars work?NFSHS cars at minimum have a car.viv file, which is a container file that contains all the data pertaining to the car.
FSHTool QFS/FSH file unpacker/packer, for vidwalls.RealTuner 2 (tool for generating CARPs quickly, pretty good for opponent acceleration data).Velocity To RPM Calculator (as the name says, it calculates VTR values for gear speeds).NFSHS CARP Generator (spreadsheet tool for generating a CARP.txt from scratch).FCE Finish 2 (multipurpose FCE editing tool useful for colors, dummies, smoothing, etc.).FCE Centerer (to center the FCE so it doesn't 'sink' or 'float' on the road).An image editing program able to open and save TGA files (like GIMP ) -version 2.8 recommended since 2.10 does not work 100% the same.fsh files, editing performance and fedata files install it in Windows 98 compatibility mode and run it in XP compatibility mode)